2024 Impact Report
an effort that provokes or speeds significant change or action
KCI works to see shalom—holistic flourishing, neighborhood by neighborhood. We have helped develop catalysts and collaborative leadership in various cities and counties across Southern California. We believe in a local approach, identifying key community leaders who love their city and want to work together with others in strategic ways for collective impact.
The Santa Barbara Catalytic Project builds networking relationships between local churches, businesses, schools, community organizations, city officials, city agencies, city residents, and those with other resources for the purpose of inspiring, connecting, and mobilizing people towards personal and community transformation.
The KCI SB Team
Brad Fieldhouse
Executive Director
Jeff Shaffer
Santa Barbara Regional Catalyst
Daniel "DJ" Johnsen
Neighborhood Impact Coordinator
Kayla Petersen
Catalytic Leadership Integrator
Jim Wright
Development Consultant
Bryan Cullison
Grants Manager & Website Administrator
Delaney Anderson
Communications Associate