Human Trafficking task force (HTTF)
We seek better outcomes for those being trafficked and exploited, supporting the vision of the SB County Human Trafficking Task Force, so that no one is bought and sold in Santa Barbara County.
Megan Riker-Rheinschild of the Santa Barbara's DA Office explains KCI's critical role in the HTTF.
KCI serves as the facilitating organization for the Santa Barbara County Human Trafficking Task Force, which began in 2013 under the SB County District Attorney’s Office.
The official vision statement of the Santa Barbara Human Trafficking Task Force is to develop and enhance a multi-disciplinary HTTF team that implements victim-centered, collaborative, and sustainable approaches to:
Identify victims of all types of human trafficking
Investigate and prosecute sex trafficking and labor trafficking cases at the local, state, tribal and federal levels
Address the individualized needs of victims/survivors through a comprehensive array of trauma-informed services
SAFE Santa Barbara County
The Task Force is working through the Strategic Alliance to Fight Exploitation - Santa Barbara County (SAFE-SBC).
This alliance seeks to support SB County’s three-year Strategic Plan to combat sex and labor trafficking locally. This Strategic Plan was developed in partnership with 29 members from multiple countywide agencies, including anti-trafficking subject matter experts and a local survivor.
To carry out the goals laid out in the Strategic Plan, SAFE operates a fund that receives tax-deductible donations from SAFE partners and community members and allocates those funds to qualified, vetted organizations executing the Strategic Plan goals. The organizations that receive funds are a part of the larger movement to prevent human trafficking, assist at-risk populations, and protect survivors.
Collaborative leadership
KCI operates through the lens of “collaborative leadership” inspired by Stanford Social Innovation Review’s preconditions for collective impact. Read more here.
An individual or group that brings together cross-sector decision-makers and keeps them engaged over time to fuel and maintain collaborative efforts.
Invested, multi-year funding to support the initiative’s efforts and rally others to the cause.
A moment of crisis that may cause a community to adopt a different approach, policy changes that require creativity, or a movement that reaches critical mass and propels the community forward.