F.I.A.T. Los Angeles

Project Dates: February 2015 - September 2019

Every chair was taken. Standing individuals lined the walls. Energy filled the air. Late-comers squeezed into the doorway, trying to find a place in the room now packed with over 120 individuals, a room that should only comfortably sit 60.  But no one was interested in being comfortable any more.

What was suppose to be a small breakout session entitled Faith Symposium at the Global Human Trafficking Conference in 2015 turned into a catalytic conversation that birthed a movement of churches across denominations to stop human trafficking.

When CARE 18, Slavery No More and Rock Against Trafficking sponsored the Global Human Trafficking Conference in Los Angeles in 2015, they hosted the Faith Symposium to ask a straightforward question—How can The Church fight human trafficking?

But by the end of the event it was clear–churches didn’t want to just talk; they wanted to unite. A laptop circled the room, contacts were exchanged, and what would later be called FIAT was born out of CARE 18 and as a CARE 18 initiative.

Since that Saturday in 2015, FIAT (Faith Initiative to Abolish Trafficking) has hosted over a dozen events mobilizing over 1000 attendees in the LA Region.  Its vision to provide practical next steps for churches and individuals to fight human trafficking remains. Churches are coming together across denominations, tradition and theology laying aside their differences to restore justice in their communities and abolish human trafficking.

Why are we called FIAT? In Latin, FIAT means “let it be done.” It is a command given by a higher power or authority. When the Latin Bible records God declaring “Let there be light,” it uses the word FIAT. Courthouse, including the U.S. Supreme Court, displays “Fiat Justitia” on their walls, meaning “Let justice be done”.

And that is our resounding cry. Let justice be done. Let the church arise. Let trafficking cease. Let there be light!

When CARE 18 completed it’s final 18 month project phase in June of 2017 the leadership decided to merge CARE 18 with FIAT. It was obvious that the majority of the momentum was around FIAT so FIAT continues to mobilize people and faith communities to take action with the CARE 18 projects.


EEducate individuals and churches on the signs and causes of trafficking as well as prevention strategies; recovery services; and advocacy opportunities to end human trafficking through strategically-placed events featuring high-caliber speakers.

NNetwork non-profits, churches, individuals, and law enforcement to create effective collaboration and strategic corporation.

GGrow the support system for local and international non-profits, who fight against trafficking, provide recovery services, and/or serve high-risk populations (such as foster care), by giving them a platform to share their efforts and needs with local churches.

AAssist churches launch new ministries or activate existing ministries in their congregation or communities, which will provide practical responses to expressed needs in the fight for human trafficking.

GGather and mobilize Christ-following churches across denomination lines. Unifying the body of Christ to speak up for justice and praying for God’s power, wisdom, strength, and guidance in the fight.

EEquip individuals and churches with practical, actionable “next steps” to join the fight against human trafficking and to lead restorative recovery for victims.
