live a purposeful life.
We bring non-profits and funders together, through common causes, to build healthy and sustainable communities for future generations.
Our Causes
Homelessness & HOUSING
Our affiliate City Net and the Kingdom Causes Santa Barbara Regional Catalytic Team works with cities, counties, NGO’s, and faith-based organizations across California to break the cycle of homelessness in the communities we serve by connecting neighbors experiencing homelessness to transformative care and innovative solutions that lead to housing.
Anti-Human Trafficking
Through the establishment of and/or coordinating human trafficking task forces, forming collaborative partnerships with existing service partners, and starting a Strategic Alliance to Fight Exploitation chapter, Kingdom Causes, Inc. has been active in the fight against human trafficking since 2012.
We bring together neighborhood champions, the local church, and Gen Z to collectively participate in the restoration of people experiencing homelessness and/or being bought and sold for profit. We train, support, and grow alongside every person who engages with us in this work. We seek better outcomes for those on the margins, going neighborhood by neighborhood, as we ourselves are changed along the way.
2024 Impact Report
Collaborative leadership
KCI operates through the lens of “collaborative leadership” inspired by Stanford Social Innovation Review’s preconditions for collective impact. Read more here.
An individual or group that brings together cross-sector decision-makers and keeps them engaged over time to fuel and maintain collaborative efforts.
Invested, multi-year funding to support the initiative’s efforts and rally others to the cause.
A moment of crisis that may cause a community to adopt a different approach, policy changes that require creativity, or a movement that reaches critical mass and propels the community forward.